Available C++ Libraries FAQ

Libraries with no known download site

Algebra - Collection of C++ classes to represent and edit equations in a GUI

Object classes to represent/edit algebric equations in Windows: number, literal, boolean, + and - infinite, indeterminations group, document, line, page, list, sum, negation, division,multiplication, root, raise, equal, lessThan, lessThanOrEqual etc..., equivalent, implication. Implementing: log,exp,sin,cos,tg,cotg,cos,asin,acos,atg, logic operators, etc...

Operating Systems

  • PC 32-bit Windows


  • Borland C++

Added : 1996-03-28 Amended: 1996-10-03 Licensing : Non commercial

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DCE++ - A C++ API for Programming Distributed Systems

DCE++ is a set of ANSI C++ classes that enable the rapid prototyping of distributed programs. The goal of DCE++ is to provide a platform independent C++ API to the significant components used in distributed computing. Namely: RPC, threads, Security and Naming across the widely used distributed computing platforms such as DCE, ONC and WNT.

It is expected that by encapsulating platform dependencies inherent in setting up rpcs, security etc. in DCE++ base classes, program development time can be drastically reduced. Moreover, a foundation can be provided for developing *portable* distributed program development tools.

The second *evaluation* version of DCE++, version 0.4, has been released on Dec 2'93. The release includes C++ bindings for remote procedure calls over DCE and ONC. A C++ threads api for programming DCE threads. A C++ threads api for programming DCE distributed Time Service. The release is available free of charge upon signing a very liberal license agreement.

The license agreement is obtainable by anonymous ftp from hal.com. It is in the directory dce++. The same directory also contains the release notes for the 0.4 version and plans for 0.5 features. To obtain the code, please send the signed license agreement to:

Added : 1995-01-01 Amended: 1995-01-01 Licensing : Copyright (other)

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Dr. - Vector Graphics Framework in C++

A cross-platform (Linux, Win32, Mac OX X, FreeBSD, Linux and IRIX) open source C++ framework for 2D and 3D vector graphics that includes 2D curves, a 2D font engine, bitmap vectorizer, tessellator, and an OpenGL extensions manager.

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • PC 32-bit Windows
  • SGI Irix
  • Mac


  • Visual C++
  • GCC

Added : 2005-09-16 Amended: 2005-09-16 Licensing : Not known

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General complex C++ matrix library

This library contains about 90 functions ranging from summation and multiplication to Jacobi transforms and LUP algorithms for a general complex matrix class in c++... Roots of polynoms, operator overloads, discrete fourier transforms, vectors, scalars, GaussJordan algorithm with partial pivoting, elementary row operations, inverse, determinants using partial LUP factorizing, similarity transforms, eigenvalues (LR algorithm on hessenberg matrices), eigenvectors using itertations or Jacobi transforms, reductions to echelon or hessenberg forms, various matrix type checks (hermitian/diagonal/orthogonal etc.), fast data access if no inheritance etc. etc. Also contains some often used routines to interpolate data or to do polynomial least square fitting.

Operating Systems

  • PC DOS
  • PC 32-bit Windows
  • PC Windows
  • Any after making small changes...


  • Borland C++
  • Any after making small changes...

Added : 2001-06-13 Amended: 2004-10-25 Licensing : Education

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General complex matrix library for C++

This library contains about 90 functions ranging from summation and multiplication to Jacobi transforms and LUP algorithms for a general complex matrix class in c++... Roots of polynoms, operator overloads, discrete fourier transforms, vectors, scalars, GaussJordan algorithm with partial pivoting, elementary row operations, inverse, determinants using partial LUP factorizing, similarity transforms, eigenvalues (LR algorithm on hessenberg matrices), eigenvectors using itertations or Jacobi transforms, reductions to echelon or hessenberg forms, various matrix type checks (hermitian/diagonal/orthogonal etc.), fast data access if no inheritance etc. etc.

Operating Systems

  • PC DOS
  • PC Windows


  • Visual C++
  • Borland C++
  • Zortech C++

Added : 1999-08-10 Amended: 1999-08-10 Licensing : Education

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GenTools - A Computational Genomic Tool Suite

The University of Texas System CHPC and collaborators are addressing the problems of high performance platforms by developing GenTools, an interactive, distributed, loosely integrated, set of tools for DNA and protein sequence data analysis, phylogenetic analysis, and restriction mapping which combines different algorithm implementations, machines, and databases through a "bio-user" friendly set of graphical user interfaces.

Added : 1995-01-01 Amended: 1995-01-01 Licensing : Not known

    GenTools - A Computational Genomic Tool Suite
  • Email:sarah@chpc.utexas.edu
  • Tel:(512)471-2434
  • Postal address:Sarah Barron, GenTools Project Leader, Computational Molecular Biology and Genetics Group, University of Texas System Center for High Performance Computing, Balcones Research Center, CMS 1.154, 10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758-4497
  • Fax:(512)471-2445
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IPL98 - Image Processing Library 98

The Image Processing Library 98 (IPL98) is a platform independent image manipulating C/C++ library. The purpose of the library is to be useful, for combining tailor-made image processing and interpretation with standard methods for acquisitions, processing, display and storage of image information. Emphasis is put on interactivity in projects made by students, as well as for advanced research and development.

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Unix
  • PC Windows


  • Visual C++
  • GCC
  • Borland C++

Added : 2001-05-25 Amended: 2001-05-25 Licensing : Non commercial

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MenuPlus - Menu class library for Turbo C++ for DOS

The library contains functions that allow the programmer to easily implement custom popup, pulldown, and buttonbar menus. The menus are designed to have the look and feel of familiar menu systems found in many popular applications. MenuPlus provides all screen, keyboard, and mouse functionalilty built in. Simply declare a menu object (menu item names, hotkeys, and handler functions) and MenuPlus does the rest. MenuPlus is designed to be simple to use, yet versatile enough to allow customized look and operations of the menus. (Includes demos illustrating use.)

Registration of $15 grants royalty-free use of the library and also provides registered owner with all source code.

Operating Systems

  • PC DOS


  • Borland C++

Added : 1996-11-13 Amended: 1996-11-13 Licensing : Shareware

    MenuPlus - Menu class library for Turbo C++ for DOS
  • Email:jssoft@aol.com
  • Postal address:JS Software,517 Ingram Drive West,Eau Claire, WI 54701
  • Author:Jeffrey Schierenbeck
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OptSolve++ - Nonlinear optimization

OptSolve++ -- Software Components for Nonlinear Optimization.

The OptSolve++ optimization libraries provide a convenient and extensible interface for rapid nonlinear optimization of user-specified functions. OptSolve++ is available through the purchase of a commercial license.

The following nonlinear optimization algorithms: -nonlinear simplex (no derivatives required) -Powell (no derivatives required) -conjugate gradient (requires gradient of the function) -Levenburg-Marquardt (can use Broyden's method to estimate the Jacobian if function gradients are not available) -simple bound constraints can be imposed through a variable transformation approach.

Algorithms under development for the next release: -penalty functions to treat arbitrary nonlinear constraints -multidimensional nonlinear solvers (for root-finding)

OptSolve++ consists of the following components: -TxBase; reference counted N-D container classes, trait and attribute classes, exception classes, and cross-platform header files -TxFunc; 1-D and N-D functor classes providing wrappers for C++ function pointers or general user-specified calls to other -TxLin; reference counted matrix and vector classes, with all linear algebra algorithms required by the optimization algorithms, and specialized functor classes that require linear algebra capabilities. -TxOptSlv; implementation of 1-D and N-D nonlinear optimization algorithms.

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • PC 32-bit Windows
  • SGI Irix
  • Cray
  • Solaris
  • HP UX
  • Unix
  • Dec Alpha
  • PC Windows
  • Mac
  • Dec OSF/1


  • Visual C++
  • GCC
  • Dec CC
  • SGI CC
  • Sun CC
  • MetroWerks CodeWarrior
  • Borland C++
  • HP C++
  • KAI C++

Added : 2000-04-26 Amended: 2004-10-22 Licensing : Commercial

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