Have you ever felt you should spend more time on the interesting and profitable parts of your business, instead of doing all that paperwork, sending out invoices and reminders, keeping track of everything, and organising your time and resources?
Do you have people working for you who spend most of their expensive time doing mundane tasks better suited to a computer, but can't find reasonably priced software to do the tasks in a way that suits your business?
Do you have a customer facing website which costs too much to keep up to date with the latest products and offers, or which just generates leads you have to follow up individually by hand?
These are the kinds of problems I can help you solve.
Many of the projects I undertake are for internal use only in companies, but here are details of a few recent ones:
Both of these sites are mobile friendly. They can be maintained using a web app, so vehicles can be added and amended, bookings, invoices and payments handled, and a schedule of availablility maintained.
You contact me, and we discuss the tasks you wish to automate. I can come to see you, or it can just as easily be done via phone and email. If there is a lot to do, we break it down into useful, bite-sized chunks.
I develop an initial version of the software - this is usually quite quick, 1-2 weeks. I make that available for you to try out - usually on your own machines, but I can arrange hosting on a web server if you prefer.
You try out the initial version, and use it to refine your requirements. Very few people are able to visualise exactly what they want beforehand, so having something to try out and change to suit is much easier.
We spend a week or two (or more, if you are too busy to spend much time trying things out) getting the software to work exactly how you want. Be aware that, if what you ask for is going to be difficult and expensive to implement, I will try to suggest a more cost-effective solution to suit your needs.
If you think of further enhancements, or additional business elements you can automate, I can do these later on a time and expenses basis.
The usual cost of a reasonably simple project is between £2,500 and £5,000, but it all depends on the complexity.
I can either charge on a time and expenses basis, or give a fixed quote for the job, to be paid in 2 installments, the first when the initial version is delivered, and the second when the job is complete.
I maintain this Internet "Frequently Asked Questions" list. It contains details of over 300 different C++ libraries, tools and related links (both public domain and commercial) available to C++ programmers. There is a Searchable Web database at http://www.trumphurst.com/cpplibs/.
A very occasional web log of my experiences installing a CentOS firewall & mail/web/file server, and other technical notes.
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I live in St. Martins, nr. Oswestry, Shropshire
For more information on any of Trumphurst's products and services, please